Daniele Bongiovanni

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Headshot of Daniele Bongiovanni, Professor of Artistic Anatomy, Painter and Master of Fine Arts at Academy of Fine Arts of Macerata.Painter / Master of Fine Arts (MFA)

Field of Study: Painter/Professor of Artistic Anatomy, Academy of Fine Arts of Macerata

Member since: 2021

How did you become interested in visual literacy? What do your work involve and how does it intersect with visual literacy?

I have always tried to give a well defined and refined concept to my painting. During the preparatory drawing I already start to think about the meaning I want to give to the shape of the images I produce. When we talk about visual art, we must always consider the fact that in the process of fruition there will be a concrete and dynamic reading of the proposed ”images”, even involuntary. Visual arts educate in universal history, but also in ”personal” history. The image, the pictorial subject, can be read, not only through the means of knowledge-logic, but also through the factor of emotional impact. My work is based on the foundations of aesthetics, the science of emotion, on what can universally be called continuous research of objective beauty. This, from my point of view, being subject to understanding a ”language”, can perfectly align with visual literacy.

What are you currently reading/writing/watching/listening to/ and/or curious about?

I am currently developing a new series of works that focuses exclusively on the relationship between man and time. The symbolism of space-time in art is also one of my recent research, the bidimensionality of time, etc. There are many books on this theme that I recommend, such as ”Lo spazio e il tempo nell’arte” (”Beyond Vision: Essays on the Perception of Art”) by Pavel Florenskij.

What does the term ‘visual literacy’ mean to you?

”Drawing” is man’s first language, visual literacy encloses for me the meaning, logic, and the great process of the highest form of communication. This term reminds me of the importance of the form-image of the word or the deep sense-sound of the form, defined or indefinite. This term encompasses all of this.

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