Education Award Winners 2022

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Contact: Jackie Huddle, International Visual Literacy Association



Jyväskylä, Finland Dr. Mark Newman, Professor of Social Studies Education, and Dr. Xiaoning Chen, associate Professor of ESL/Bilingual Education, at National Louis University was awarded the International Visual Literacy Association’s (IVLA) Research Award at the 54st annual conference held in Jyväskylä, Finland this past August. 

This award is given to members of the Association in recognition of their significant professional contribution to visual literacy through exemplary teaching, educational outreach, and/or the development of model curricula and other educational materials. Over the last several years, Mark Newman and Xiaoning Chen have collaborated in several projects that have contributed to visual literacy through exemplary teaching, research studies related to visual literacy teaching and learning, and professional publications and presentations. They co-authored two books on social studies and multilingual learners that were centered around an innovative visual literacy progressive learner framework.  Newman and Chen also have conducted research related to visual literacy teaching and learning in 6-12 classrooms, engaging in outreach. They have presented findings at IVLA, National Council for the Social Studies, and bilingual education association conferences. They also have published their work in the IVLA conference proceedings volumes. Newman and Chen also co-founded the National Louis University Visual Literacy Initiative that brings faculty from different programs together to discuss their visual literacy work and to collaborate.

Winners are selected by an awards committee composed of IVLA members.  Nominations for the 2023 awards will be announced shortly. For any questions in the meantime, contact Dr. Kazuyo Kubo, Awards Committee Chair, at


Founded in 1968, the International Visual Literacy Association is an interdisciplinary organization of professionals working toward a fuller understanding of the way we derive meaning from what we see and the way we interact with our visual environment. For more information about IVLA, please visit

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