Call For Manuscripts: The Book of Selected Readings 2025


The IVLA Annual Conference Presenters are strongly encouraged to submit their presented papers to the Book of Selected Readings (BRS).

The BSR is a peer-reviewed, annual IVLA publication selected primarily from papers based on the annual conference presentations. The publication has served as an important reference point for current research and issues concerning visual literacy. Besides providing seasoned scholars with an outlet for their work, one of the goals of this volume is to enable new scholars to publish their studies. The BSR is inclusive and serves as a place for scholars to publish their research, promote their work, and connect with their audience. Each article in the book has its own doi.

Criteria for Selection

All presenters at the annual IVLA conference are invited to submit a full manuscript for article/book chapter consideration. In order for manuscripts to be considered they must be:

  • Based on presentations from the IVLA annual conferences.
  • Related to the field of visual literacy.
  • Submitted manuscript is supported by appropriate images, illustrations, or photographs.
  • Writing should follow the APA 7th style format.
  • Submitted the full manuscript for consideration by November 30, 2024 to Dr. Jung Lee,

Editorial Process

• Every manuscript submitted for publication consideration will be reviewed by at least three editors.
• The editorial team will recommend to either publish the manuscript as submitted, publish the manuscript with suggested revisions, or mentor the manuscript for future publication. In all cases, the author will be notified of the decision, and receive the editors’ comments.
• Accepted manuscripts for publication will be copyedited by at least one editor.

Guidelines for Manuscript Submission

Please read this document carefully before submitting your paper. Email your manuscript to Dr. Wanju Huang, by November 30, 2024.

1. Please submit one digital copy of your manuscript (4000 to 7500 words) that includes the title of the work (preferably not exceeding 60 letters and spaces) followed by an abstract of 500-1,000 words and a list of 4 or 5 keywords or brief phrases. This copy must have all author information removed.
2. A separate file with the title of the work (preferably not exceeding 40 letters and spaces) names and contact information for all authors (include name, highest degree, mailing address, phone, e-mail, and institutional affiliation as appropriate).

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Each year, outstanding TBSR submissions are considered for two important awards. These are:

• Editors’ Choice Award — This award is given to the paper the editor/s consider the best work of all of the contributed papers. The Editors’ Choice Award paper is distinguished from the other papers in the book with a distinctive corner marking in the publication. The editors determine this award.

• Braden/Beauchamp Visual Literacy Award — This award, named for two previous editors of the Selected Readings, seeks to honor the paper that best helps contribute to the definition of the study of visual literacy. This award is given only in years where sufficient contributions have been made to the Selected Readings in this area.


Please submit your full manuscript by November 30, 2024 via email to Dr. Wanju Huang, Editor-in-Chief, The Book of Selected Readings at