Twentieth Century Virtual Reality Education Reprise: Stereographs to Google Cardboard

Veronica I. Ent

Saint Vincent College, USA

Abstract. Could today’s teachers use methods from over 100 years ago in their classrooms with smartphone virtual reality? This article examines the historical context of virtual reality in the classroom as early as the 1900s beginning with the stereoscope and then looks to the future with the use of smartphone virtual reality devices in the classroom similar to the Google Cardboard. In addition to this historical overview, new teachers, unfamiliar with the early stereograph use in the classroom, were asked to develop virtual reality strategies using a Google Cardboard device. In a surprising twist, the teacher-developed methods were nearly interchangeable between the 1900s and today!

Keywords: stereograph, virtual reality, visual education, Google cardboard, teaching with technology, stereo views in education; VR headsets, SAMR model.

Read the full paper here.