Reaching a Milestone: IVLA at 50
Danilo M. Baylen
Reading the Visual
1. Engaging with Endpapers: A Visual Literacy Experience Upon Opening a Picturebook
Geri Chesner
2. Using Graphic Novels to Illustrate Empathy
Lee Okan
3. Discourses of Power in Historical News Photographs: Bain News Service and Representation in the Age of Imperialism
Denitsa Yotova
Experiencing the Visual
4. Visual Genealogy of Portraits, Self-Portraits, and Selfies: Same Phenomenon, Different Phase of History Margaretha Häggström
5. Papers, Pencils, and Crayons: A Case Study in Building Visual Literacy Skills for College Students
Pamela Wicks and Meg Bero
6. Introducing Graphic Facilitation and Recording
Sharlene Kennedy
7. Funny Feeling – Introducing a Performance Art Approach to Visual Literacy
Elke Mark
Crossing Disciplines
8. Constructing Arts-based Literacy Practices through Kwame Alexander’s “The Playbook”
Anne Katz
9. Surveying Visual Literacy Guidelines for Information Design Application
Randy Howe
10. Design: Changing Zeitgeist, Changing Communication
Phillip Gallagher
11. Creativity and the Development of New Ideas: the Generative Potential of Visual Literacy. Brad Hokanson